Summer School Winners

The Search Certificate, designed by the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA), is aimed at

individuals who are new to search, regardless of agencybackground, looking to build their

knowledge about SEO and PPC.




The qualification compromises of 30 hours of online learning, culminating in a 3 hour exam.

The qualification is suitable for those specialising in search marketing. Ideally they should take the qualification in their first year within a search agency or specialist department. We’d recommend that individuals have no more than two years’ experience prior to doing this qualification.


This qualification provides a 360-degree education in search marketing, from planning a PPC and an SEO campaign through to ongoing optimisation strategies and integrated media planning. It will cover areas such as engine planning and channel selection, content targeting, keyword strategies, bid strategies and bid management tools and many more, including a product overview of the top tier engine systems.




The Search Certificate gives participants the chance to truly understand the challenges and opportunities posed by search and to be acknowledged by the industry's leading qualification.

To gain the official qualification there is an online examination. The 3 hour online exam will run at on the following days. You will need to choose the date of your exam at the time of booking.

  • Thursday 15th January 2015

  • Thursday 19th March 2015

  • Thursday 18th June 2015

  • Thursday 17th September 2015

  • Thursday 19th November 2015

  • For EACA members within Europe: learning and exam for 450 GBP (+VAT as appropriate).

  • For EACA members outside Europe and for Non-Members: learning and exam for 500 GBP (+VAT as appropriate).

Ready to find out more?

  • To learn more about the registration process, please click here.
  • To browse through the Search Certificate website, please click here
  • If you are an EACA member within Europe, please contact us to receive the reduced fee.

Please note that we are piloting the IPA Search and Commercial certificates in 2015 with a view to implement Europeanised versions in the future.