LaST year's client

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With a growing global circulation and a reputation for insightful analysis and perspective on every aspect of world events, The Economist is one of the most widely recognised and well-read current-affairs publications. The paper covers politics, business, science and technology, as well as books and arts, concluding each week with an obituary. In addition to the web-only content such as blogs, debates and audio/video programmes available on the website, The Economist is available to download for reading on Android, BlackBerry PlayBook, iPhone or iPad devices. The Economist Espresso, our daily briefing smartphone app, is also available for download via iTunes App Store or Google Play.

At the Summer School the client challenges the participants with a brief to create a campaign focusing on one central question: "How can The Economist appeal to a younger audience?". At the end of the week the teams present their ideas to a jury panel of client representatives, academics and industry professionals.