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The European Institue for Commercial Communicaitons Education strives to promote excellence in commercial communications education and research and to further exchanges between the European commercial communications sector and academic partners.


Promote excellence in commercial comms education and research

Promote knowledge and understanding of innovative communications techniques

Facilitate cross-border education and academic exchanges

Enhance cooperation between the industry and academic partners

The Latest News

Round II finalists edcom Thesis Competition 2018-2019 announced!

February 15, 2019

Round II finalists edcom Thesis Competition 2018-2019 announced! Following a rigorous judging process by all nine members of the Research Committee, the top four entries have now been selected. This

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Registrations open for the 2019 edition of the European Advertising Certificate

January 16, 2019

Registrations for the 2019 edition of the European Advertising Certificate (EAC) are now open to young advertising industry professionals across Europe. The online course is a foundation course which aims to

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Registrations open for the 10th edition of the EACA International Advertising Summer School

January 15, 2019

Celebrating its tenth edition, the European Association of Communications Agencies (EACA) and the European Institute for Commercial Communications Education (edcom) have launched the 2019 edition of the EACA International Advertising

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