Welcome to edcom, the European Institute for Commercial Communications Education (1)

The institute strives to promote excellence in commercial communications education and research and to further exchanges between the European commercial communications sector and academic partners. edcom was founded by the European Association of Communications Agencies (EACA) together with the founding academic partners in 2007.


Promote excellence in commercial comms education and research

Promote knowledge and understanding of innovative communications techniques

Facilitate cross-border education and academic exchanges

Enhance cooperation between the industry and academic partners


3 reasons why you (yes, you) should attend a summer school in 2017

It’s February: it’s cold, it’s grey and it’s exam season

Announcement of edcom 2017 Thesis Competition Winners

Drum rolls please! Nearly four months after the competition was

Second Round Thesis Competition Finalists Announced

Students from Hogeschool Utrecht present their campaigns for women’s rights during a visit to Brussels

On the 13th of January, Hogeschool Utrecht organised a one-day event

Summer School 2017 in Prague

EACA launches 8th edition of the successful EACA International Advertising Summer

Launch of 2017 edition EAC

Registrations for the 2017 edition of the European Advertising Certificate

Looking for an intern to join our Education & Training team

The European Association of Communications Agencies (EACA), a Brussels-based European

What’s on the Inspire! agenda for 2017

New Inspire blog!

Inspire launches its own blog today! Find  here the first

6 Tips for Ad Venture Participants

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