What advertising can and cannot do

edTalk Gwyn M

In this edTalk, Gwyn March presented what makes advertising successful by discussing several case studies on brands.

Who is Gwyn March?


Gwyn joined AMV in 1987 just in time for a stock market crash and hurricane. She weathered this and enjoyed being an account man on domestic and international business. But at McCann Erickson London, she started training the graduates and was inspired to run training more effectively - inevitably, she became Training Manager for McCann and the media agency Universal McCann.

What she did worked: she won IPA and National Training Awards. Before she left to run her own training consultancy (March On) she picked up a Gold CPD Accreditation and five stars for her training and development programme in Britain’s Top Employers 2009.In her spare time she chairs the IPA Training Forum and writes best practice guides. She cares passionately that training contributes to the individual and the business and strives constantly to make sure that the learning is embedded and used for the development of both.

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