Freelance or employed?

edTalk Jan K

Shall I sell my youth and my soul to the agency world for fame? Or should I rather choose to work 24 hours a day as a freelancer with no hope to ever live a stable life? Lots of stories about working in the creative industry often give students a strange image of what the work life is all about. There are quite a few things to consider, and we want to give you some facts and questions to think about when choosing your career. Some are based on hard facts, others are mostly personal decisions: all of them might help you to find the best job in the world.

Who is Jan Kürzinger?


After having studied Communication Design in Hamburg and Shanghai, Jan has worked as a freelancer for all the big and small agencies in Hamburg. He mostly works in the area of corporate and motion design. Over the past ten years, he has taught design students during numerous seminars and courses, in the cities of Shanghai, Hongkong and Hamburg, where he is an associate partner of the Design Factory International College.

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