Welcome to edcom

Edcom is the first European Institue for Commercial Communications Education that brings academics, students and the industry together to support a rapidly changing sector. We foster excellence in education and research and promote exchanges between the commercial communications sector and academic partners. We facilitate cross-border education and employment, advancing international exchange of students and qualified and specialised teaching staff.

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The Institute was founded by the European Association of Communications Agencies (EACA) together with the founding academic partners in 2007. To date, it counts 46 European academic members from 16 different countries. From public universities to private institutes, the edcom members offer a wide range of graduate and undergraduate degrees, including Communications, Media, Digital Marketing, and much more.

The Latests News

edcom Industry Council meets in London

November 30, 2017

On Monday 4 December 2017, the edcom Industry Council will meet for the first time in London to discuss the agenda for 2018. The edcom Industry Council was founded as

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Thesis Competition First Round Finalists

November 15, 2017

Congratulations to all edcom Thesis Competition Bachelor and Master finalists who have advanced to the second round! The edcom Thesis Competition rewards the best Bachelor and Master theses on advertising

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Create a campaign for the European Commission

November 14, 2017

The European Commission is looking to create a video campaign that will support the “Say No! Stop Violence against women” project as part of the DG Justice agenda and in co-operation with edcom. The

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