Welcome to edcom

Edcom is the first European Institue for Commercial Communications Education that brings academics, students and the industry together to support a rapidly changing sector. We foster excellence in education and research and promote exchanges between the commercial communications sector and academic partners. We facilitate cross-border education and employment, advancing international exchange of students and qualified and specialised teaching staff.

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The Institute was founded by the European Association of Communications Agencies (EACA) together with the founding academic partners in 2007. To date, it counts 46 European academic members from 16 different countries. From public universities to private institutes, the edcom members offer a wide range of graduate and undergraduate degrees, including Communications, Media, Digital Marketing, and much more.

The Latests News

Ten Teams Selected as Finalists of Ad Venture Competition

April 11, 2017

Ten student teams from across Europe have been selected to compete in the second round of the 10th annual Ad Venture Student Competition, organised by edcom (European Institute for Commercial

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The die is cast!

March 29, 2017

During the last 6 months, 60 student teams from all over Europe have submitted their advertising campaigns, aiming to be the winners of the tenth edition of this Pan-European competition. The

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edcom and the European Women’s Lobby go to parliament: where are the executive women?

February 28, 2017

28/02, Brussels In honour of the Herstory theme behind this year’s Ad Venture Student Competition, which is organised in partnership with the European Women’s Lobby (EWL), the edcom team has been getting

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