Top Three Ad Venture Campaigns 2019

The Top Three Ad Venture Campaigns 2019!

After two rounds of rigorous judging, our amazing jury panel has selected the top three teams of the Ad Venture Student Competition 2018- 2019! The competition received 60 submissions this year, of which ten teams advanced to the second round. Here are the three campaigns which made it to the final round (in no particular order):

  • Team EDEN (Sup De Pub, France) with their campaign “You are what you play.”
  • Team VIS (Bournemouth University, UK) with their campaign “Rhymes for Current Times”
  • Team Swinburne University of Technology (Swinburne University of Technology, Australia) with the campaign “Play & Grow – See Toys Differently”

The top three teams will present their campaigns to the final and third round jury, composed of two academics, two industry professionals and two client representatives on 17 May during the edcom Member’s Meeting in Paris, France. The winners of the competition will be awarded with a trip to Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity in June 2019.

For more information about the top three teams and their campaigns, please click here.