Data-Driven Advertising: Organisation is looking for Students and a Professor to take part in a panel on 24 October in London

The European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA) is an organization based in Brussels that provides the “AdChoices Icon” to companies involved in data-driven advertising across Europe. EACA is a Board Member of the EDAA.

The EDAA  is organizing a Summit on 24 October in London which will include a student panel.

They are looking at having ideally 3 students who are familiar with the topics of online advertising and data privacy or other related topics, and potentially a professor as moderator. Hence, if you or one of your students are interested in being part of the panel, please do let us know at your earliest convenience.


Info about event and panel

The EDAA Summit, now in its 4th successive year, has become a staple calendar event within the privacy and advertising technology fields, and is known for provoking honest, open, intellectual and critical debate, covering broad viewpoints. This year’s event, under the banner “Delivering a consumer-centric future for the digital ad world” will examine the current policy and regulatory environment for ad tech, and the tools and opportunities for the industry to embrace change in order to provide meaningful transparency and control with the aim to truly empower consumers online, with regard to the processing of their personal data.


This panel, under the suggested headline “Bridging the trust reckoning” comes at a critical juncture for the online advertising industry, and will aim to reveal real opinions of consumers with regards to their use of online services and expectations of the companies involved in providing and supporting those services in this data-centric world. The audience, spanning trade associations, NGOs, academia, and digital advertising businesses, will have the opportunity to grasp what academics and everyday consumers feel about their data being used online, and how EDAA and its governing associations play a critical and proven role in bridging consumer trust in the digital ad space. On the panel moderated by a University professor, the EDAA will aim to have several students from various backgrounds cover a broad range of views about what consumer trust means to them.


If you need more information, please don’t hesitate to contact us.