Winners announced of the EACA International Advertising Summer School 2019

In the first week of July nearly 80 participants from across 15 European countries took part in the 2019 EACA International Advertising Summer School. For its 10th edition we had the pleasure of coming back to the city where we first started- Paris. We were hosted by Sup de Pub with the privilege to have the Eiffel Tower as a constant source of inspiration and reminder of where we are.

We were excited to have The Economist as this year’s client. They challenged the participants to create a campaign to help The Economist grow its awareness and relevance among younger people in the UK. 

The participants were a mix of students in the field of commercial communications and young professionals working in media, creative and digital agencies. They were split into international and multidisciplinary teams- 5 foundation and 8 advanced depending on their level.

Over the course of the week the participants attended brilliant workshops delivered by some of the best trainers in the industry, targeting both soft and hard skills. From mastering client meetings to digital storytelling, each session was actively preparing them for the pitch day on Friday.

At the end of the week all 13 teams presented their pitches in from of the jury- Jamie Credland from The Economist, Gilles Nakhle from Sup de Pub, Maxime Trenton from Havas Paris and our very own Micky Denehy.

The jury panel, EACA Summer School 2019 Paris

The winning Foundation team Cartoon (Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Greece) impressed the jury with their campaign “Not only Economist”.

From Advanced, the winners came from team Disrept (France, Greece, Germany, Ireland, Switzerland). They were extremely happy about their win, saying that it has been wonderful working on the brief and in their team.

Team Disrept, EACA Summer School 2019 Paris
Team Cartoon, EACA Summer School 2019 Paris














The jury panel was truly impressed by the creativity, passion and presentation skills of the teams. As Jamie Credland from The Economist said “The amount of work the teams have done is incredible. It is crazy inspirational to see intellectually engaged people to come up with ideas to change the world”.

The next edition of the Summer School will take place in July 2020.

For more information please contact Sibylle Stanciu at