Welcome to edcom, the European Institute for Commercial Communications Education (1)

The institute strives to promote excellence in commercial communications education and research and to further exchanges between the European commercial communications sector and academic partners. edcom was founded by the European Association of Communications Agencies (EACA) together with the founding academic partners in 2007.


Promote excellence in commercial comms education and research

Promote knowledge and understanding of innovative communications techniques

Facilitate cross-border education and academic exchanges

Enhance cooperation between the industry and academic partners


Ad Venture Student Competition Winner 2018

Vienna, 18 May 2018: The Winner of the Ad Venture

Top Three Ad Venture 2018

After two rounds of intense analyzing and grading, the jurors

Announcement Top Ten Finalist Ad Venture 2018

Ten student teams from across Europe have been selected to

A great response for a great cause!

This year’s Ad Venture Student Competition is representing a great

Thesis Competition Winners Announced

And here they are! The winners of the edcom Thesis

EACA Summer School wins GOLD for Best Association Training Initiative

We are delighted to announce that the EACA International Advertising

Thesis Competition Second Round Finalists Announced

Congratulations to all edcom Thesis Competition Bachelor and Master finalists

A day with Hogeschool Utrecht in Brussels

On 11 January 2018, we had the great pleasure to

Registrations open: 9th edition of the successful EACA International Advertising Summer School

During the week of 2nd July 2017, EACA and edcom

Registrations open for EAC 2018

Registrations for the 2018 edition of the European Advertising Certificate

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