ECS (London)

ECS London is a private communications and advertising school that is part of the MediaSchool. ECS London aims to shape the next generation of communications professionals and prepare them for the job market.

The Mediaschool group believes that it is essential to promote the joy of studying by achieving academic rigor and practicing on real life cases. When you reach postgraduate level you should keep the sharpest possible focus on the demands of future employers. They conduct regular audits to ensure that students and tutors are following the current examination specifications and options. They place great emphasis on the presentation facing professional juries. They use exam-based teaching methods featuring written homework and timed tests. Students receive regular examination practice in addition to sitting trial examinations in December and May. By forming agencies composed by student groups, they ensure full understanding of the cases on different levels and build confidence and team spirit. Relatively small class sizes (average 20) and intensive tuition mean that all students are given personal attention. When additional explanation is necessary, their teachers make time available on a one-to-one basis.

Anne Pflimlin

unknown_personTo be published soon





Kal Ladha


To be published soon





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Universidad Cardenal Herrera

CEU Cardenal Herrera University belongs to the CEU San Pablo University Foundation which is a non-profit charitable educational institution with over 75 years’ worth of experience in the field of education. CEU Cardenal Herrera University has an innovative learning programme in which the student takes an active and leading role and has numerous external internship agreements with institutions in most European Union countries.

Pepe Martínez

Ph. D. in Communication (CEU Cardenal Herrera University-2008) and Professor of Creativity and Innovation.  He is the Head of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising Department in the Faculty of Humanities and Communication Sciences. As a Research Fellow has held postdoctoral research stays in the United Kingdom, in the Netherlands and in the United States in the Michigan State University. He is the leader of the research group “Rock&Love” based on the study of creativity in the digital era. He began his career in a creative consulting called Createle and then as Account Manager in McCann Erickson. Once in the academic field, he also has a long experience as a strategic consultant for different national brands in the field of beauty, food, energy and the environment. He is a member of the Board of Management of the Valencian Public Media Corporation (CVMC). @ppmtnz 

Manuel Millán

Has a degree in Fine Arts from the Universitat Politècnica de Valencia and a Diploma in Photography from the CEU San Pablo Higher School of Photography and Image. In 2017 he received the Doctorate mention in Communication, with the PhD thesis entitled “The impact of Agustí Centelles’ work on Soldiers de Salamina by David Trueba and El Mar by Agustí Villaronga”. He is currently a professor at the Universidad Cardenal Herrera CEU, in Valencia. He teaches Creativity, Art, Fundamentals of Audiovisual Communication and Cinematography and Lighting in the degrees of Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Public Relations and Journalism and is tutor of Final Degree Projects in Audiovisual Communication and Advertising and Public Relations. He is also a professor in postgraduate Master’s Degree in Design and Graphic Communication, teaching Digital Image: Photography and Video. He is a member of the Organizing Committee of PROYECTA audiovisual creation contest of Audiovisual Projects, and curator of MEDIARTE – Creative Exhibition of Students and coordinator of CEUPhoto.







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IADE University intends to explore the cultural heritage and connect that to the sciences and contemporary art. As a pioneering institution in cultural and creative education in Portugal, the main focus of the university is on Design. IADE-U Institute of Art, Design and Enterprise – University is the new official name of the oldest institution of higher education in design in Portugal. IADE thus rose in 2012, a new level in its long journey of more than four decades and becomes University Institute. This is an achievement that is the result of the ability to create, transmission and dissemination of culture, knowledge, science and technology through education and research. IADE is now a faculty of the European University of Lisbon.

Prof. Ph.D. Rodrigo Morais

Ph.D. in Intelligence Technologies and Digital Design from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. Master in Contemporary Communication from Faculdade Cásper Líbero. Postgraduate in Marketing and Advertising Communication from Faculdade Cásper Líbero. Graduated in Graphic Design from Centro Universitário Belas Artes de São Paulo. Experienced in design and communication, which emphasizes advertising creation, creativity, and semiotics. Currently coordinator of the Master’s Program in Design & Advertising at IADE – Universidade Europeia in Lisbon and coordinator of the Pedagogical Practices in the same institution. He has worked in programs at institutions such as Faculdade Cásper Líbero, Centro Universitário Belas Artes de São Paulo, Universidade Anhembi Morumbi, and Faculdades Oswaldo Cruz. The main subjects taught at these institutions are semiotics, creative advertising, art direction, advertising design, and visual communication. Advisory Professor winner of DC’21 Bordallo Pinheiro by IADE in 2021, the 37th APP University Advertising Campaigns Contest in 2016, the 38th APP University Advertising Campaigns (Art Direction) Contest in 2017, and the Best Advisory Professor by Faculdade Cásper Líbero in 2016. Member of the following associations: International Association of Semiotics (IASS /AIS), International Association of Visual Semiotics (IAVS/AISV), and Association Française de Sémiotique (AFS).

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