Announcement Top Ten Finalists Ad Venture 2019

The Top Ten Campaigns for the Ad Venture Student Competition 2018-2019

The top 10 campaigns for the Ad Venture Student Competition 2018-2019 have been selected! Ad Venture is organised by edcom every year involving universities across Europe and beyond. This year’s competition has seen particularly creative and diverse ideas of talented students from Belgium to Australia. More information about the top ten campaigns can be found here.

This year’s edition focused on a brief issued by Let Toys Be Toys, aiming to raise awareness of gender stereotyped marketing to children, highlighting the importance to challenge these practices. After months of hard work, 60 teams submitted their campaigns in the hope to convince the jury of their creative ideas.

All campaigns have been judged by a panel of 60 jurors, including academics, industry professionals and client representatives who scored the campaigns based on research, creativity and creative media and strategy.

As a next step in the competition, the ten finalists’ campaigns will be examined by a new panel of six judges: two academics, two industry professionals and two client representatives. The jury will select the top three finalists, who will present their work during the edcom Member’s Meeting on 17 May 2019 in Paris, France. The finalists then need to convince a third jury why their creative idea is the best. The winning team can participate in the prestigious Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity 2019.

The Ad Venture Student Competition was launched in 2008 and has been an invaluable opportunity for students in commercial communications to gain an understanding of what it is like to work in an agency and working for meaningful clients such as the European Commission, ESA, the European Women’s Lobby or Amnesty International. For any questions regarding the competition, please don’t hesitate to contact us at